Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Are you fucking kidding me!?!?

This drawing started as something completely different but earlier today something happened that urged me to put the girl in this pose and write on the left side: Are you fucking kidding me!?!?! I decided to remove it as it kinda took attention from the girl (and you know how I don't like that).
Anyway what happened? Well, someone whose business it SO isn't, decided to offer their opinion on my relationship status and offer a solution. I graciously declined, but this didn't really go through.  Now am in a bit of pickle as I can't react as I would like and say exactly how I feel about him or his opinion, so am venting here. And just to clarify, I am not too sensitive about this issue, being single for a while I got used to people sticking their nose where it doesn't belong…I tell you, one of these days, am so gonna snap and ask back: "So how does it feel to be in a doomed relationship with a man/woman you clearly can't stand/ don't love/ is gay/ cheats on you/ you cheat on/ is a retard?" Cause mostly people in these kind of relationships offer their condolences on my single status. I mean if I was in a situation like this I would just keep my mouth shut and pray to dear God nobody starts the subject.

gee.. it does feel good to vent. On the bright side, don't you just love this laser cut Christopher Kane leather clutch. It comes in a few colors, all of them bright and neon and I would so rock each of them.


  1. People are so rude. It's as though you're some saddo for being single, and he desperately feels it's his job to take you out of the so-called misery. Perhaps he'd be better at focusing his energy at learning how to mind his own business.

  2. Ah, yes, the good old "I can't sort out my life so I'm going to sort yours out" people, don't you just love them?
    I don't get this kind of annoying intrusion about relationships but I do get the "Oh, why don't you have children yet, what's wrong?" kind of question a lot and I just can't be bothered to give any explanation, so I don't explain.
    Love the girl in this illustration, she kind of looks cross and ready to fight anyone who tries to steal her clutch :D

  3. I agree, most of the people who are in relationship think that being single is a trouble, but looking around at all apparently happy marriages and relationships -90% cheat on, is there any sense in staying togethere?- I think that is much better being single!

  4. HAHAHA Yes!! I love every single (no pun intended) bit of this post. So incredibly fierce and you're right about everything. The question isn't what is wrong with you but what is wrong with everyone else that they can't see how clearly smart you are by being on your own instead of a dysfunctional relationship. Not that every relationship is dysfunctional but many are and until you find yourself in one that isn't then there is no need to be anything other than single.

    Meag xx


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