Sunday, July 1, 2012

Summer heat

Whatever is happening at the moment, whatever am feeling, whatever am doing, all is superseded by one feeling: that it is hot. It is so so so hot! Even in my tiny east orientated apartment, it is hot. And here is the thing: even though it's uncomfortable, I love it. I don't really know how to explain how and why I love it, but I do. I like it like you love the sauna.
But it does make work a harder. Also I eat large amounts of watermelon. About a quarter a day, without exaggerating. And hang out all day long in exactly this outfit. Tied up t-shirt and knickers ( off course with a few more pounds than the model here, but oh well, I took some liberties wink wink). And whenever I see on Facebook that people are somewhere on the beach, I get a pang of pain in my chest. I just start imagining getting into the cool salty Adriatic sea and I almost want to cry, because this won't happen for weeks probably. I am saving my vacation days for some fun activities in August and September, so getting to the beach will require some major manouvering. Keep your fingers crossed, am gonna try and make it happen:

1 comment:

  1. I hear you :) and good luck with making it to the sea xx


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